“Intangible”とは形の無いものや心情の曖昧な状態を意味する。愛とは”Intangible”の象徴であり、中でも家族間の愛は形や言葉で表現するのが最も難しいもの。家族とは絶対になくてはならない存在だが、それに気付くには長い時間がかかる。特に思春期では自立をしようと、親と対立をしてしまいがち。喧嘩をしたり、口をきかなくなったり、家出をしたり… しかし、実は心の奥底で凄く後悔している。そんな難しい女子大生の”Intangible”な心情を描いている。
Love is intangible, especially family love is the most complex. Family is an essential part of our lives but it can take time to recognize that. Teenagers tend to have conflict with their parents over their independence. They fight and ignore their parents and sometimes run away from home, but they often regret what they have done afterwards. The director would like people to watch this film with their family and think about their relationships.
A 'poor little rich girl' story about a teenage girl from Beverly Hills, living in a small world in a big city. One day Natalie has a fight with her parents over her lack of progress at school, and she runs away to her family’s holiday home in the countryside. Natalie meets a cowboy family and starts spending time with them. Through tending all the animals on the family’s ranch she gradually begins to see her life from a different perspective and her personal values change as she realizes how important family love is.
Rebellious 'poor little rich girl'. Junior year UCLA student. Grew up in a rich and conservative Beverly Hills family with a personal driver and pretty much everything she could ask for. After she starts seeing her boyfriend, her life completely changes. She parties all night drinking and using drugs. She does not go to school and fails most of her classes.
Natalie’s father. Conservative looking businessman. Always wears a suit. Charlie loves his daughter more than anything but can seem stern/old fashioned in his approach to child rearing. Strict but kind. He tries his best to fix Natalie’s bad behavior but always fails. Eventually he attempts something extraordinary.
Natalie’s mother. Always looks pristine, very well kept and wears nothing but expensive designer clothes. Typical Beverly Hills housewife. Loves her daughter very much but can seem a little strict at times. Anna was exactly like Natalie when she was in college and she doesn’t want to push her too hard on this matter.
All American, tall, handsome 'cowboy'. Kind but stubborn. Ray is down to earth and loves his wife & friends dearly. His favorite hobby was riding with his son, Philip, and since Philip’s gone, he just does his every day routine with no enjoyment.
Dara is an extremely kind, warm-hearted woman without a bad bone in her body. She is a committed wife to Ray. Sweet and caring. She feels a little lonely and isolated living at the ranch since Philip left.
Typical American boy, tall and looks like he could handle himself in a fight. Had a great childhood for the most part, brought up on a ranch but moved to the city for a girl and lost touch with his parents who are good people but a little old fashioned and stubborn. He feels sorry for his parents.
Rebecca used to be mean and nasty at school, but she is very settled after she gets married with Philip. She is a very loyal wife to Philip, and she understands perfectly what Philip is trying to do. She is the one to convince Philip to go back to Ray and Dara.
Lophino 創始者で社長。クリエイティブで統合したビジネス展開を得意としてきた彼は、今日におけるエンターテインメント業界に新しい可能性をもたらしている。
彼のキャリアはクリエイィブな仕事から始まる。20歳という若さで"Theater N.N. Hamburg"
ジョージオ ダヴィード社 社長。国際ビジネスと一般教養教育の学士を持つ彼は、映画を芸術作品だけでなく、商業作品の観点からも映画製作に対して力を入れている。そのため様々な映画やコマーシャル、ミュージックビデオなどを監督、プロデューサー、そして撮影監督としても携わっている。
グッチ / ナイキ / NBC / Wホテル / アブソルートヴォッカ / ハードロックホテル / リルウェイン / ザ ゲイム等
Montreux International Electronic Cinema Festival Award(モントレーシネマフェスティバルアワード)や、Space Shower TV Grand-Prix Award(スペースシャワーTVグランプリアワード)等を受賞。
2007年にはミュージックビデオディレクターとして日本では初の監督作品集DVD「A Hiroyuki Itaya Film"DIRECTOR'S CUT"」が発売された。
前作の浜田省吾「ON THE ROAD 2011"The Last Weekend"」もチャートの首位を獲得するなど邦楽ミュージックビデオの先駆者として、今もなお数多くの映像作品を生み出し続けている。
最新作は2013年4月発売のポルノグラフィティ『12th LIVE CIRCUIT “PANORAMA × 42” SPECIAL LIVE PACKAGE』
数々の映画やテレビ、インターネットのような新しいメディアに対して音楽の作曲、アレンジメント、そしてオーケストレーションを行う作曲家。ウェスタンオンタリオ大学 音楽、ポピュラーミュージック学科を卒業した彼らは、”Roman’s Music”というスタジオを立ち上げ、今までに多くの賞を受賞する作品の作曲を手がけてきた。
クライアント: CHUM テレビジョン / WIFT インターナショナル / モルソン カナダ / Maveric / ロジャース / Shaw / LG電子 / Garnier / NATO / ゲネラルモーターズ / NFB カナダ / Bravo / TLN / TFA / NHL / Sportsnet / CBC / NBC等
2008年からは”Shotgun Sally”を創立し、多くの映画やコマーシャル等のサウンドデザインを担当する。
クライアント : スプリント / インフィニティ / スリムジム / グリンディロン ヒーロー
Web : http://ShotgunSally.net
世界中で行われている, 168時間映画際で初出場にして初入賞を果たした彼らのチームは、その後も様々な映画祭で賞を獲得してきた。2013年には、サンアントニオ映画祭で作品賞を受賞して、25万ドルを獲得する偉業を果たしている。
Founder and CEO of lophino. His combination of creative and corporate business background have prepared him well for the challenges of today's ever changing Entertainment Business.
Since 2009, Andreas has been operating his own consulting firm lophino, in which he has combined his creative expertise and the valuable experiences gained in the corporate business world, to provide his clients with a unique outlook on their business challenges and opportunities.
Andreas' career started in the creative field. At the young age of 20 he founded and managed his own independent Theater company "Theater N.N. Hamburg". Besides directing and performing in the group's productions, Andreas managed the operational side of the company from 1994-2001.
Founder of GIORGIO DAVEED. With a background in International Business and Liberal Arts, Giorgio Daveed is the Creative Producer, Director, Director of Photograph, Editor and Color Grader. He has Produced and DP'ed music videos, commercials, and films just to name a few things.
He holds a double Bachelor from San Diego State University in International Business with a emphases in Management and Marketing and a Liberal Arts and Sciences in Central European and Russian Studies. He is also fluent in Russian.
Clients: Gucci / Nike / NBC / W Hitels / Absolute Vodka / Hard Rock Hotels / Lil Wayne / The Game, etc…
Professor at Digital Hollywood University
Music Video Director at Sony Music Entertainment(Japan) Inc.
He is the pioneer of music video in Japan. Starting at Unicorn, he directed only the top artists in Japan including Tamio Okuda, Denki Groove, Shogo Hamada and Porno Graffiti.
○Awards and Exhibitions
Montreux International Electronic Cinema Festival Award / Space Shower TV Grand-Prix Award / Hiroyuki Itaya Exhibition by Cultural Affairs Agency of Japan
Roman and Mike Zebik are composers specializing in music composition, arrangement and orchestration for Film, TV and New Media.
After graduating in Music and Popular Music Studies from the University Of Western Ontario, the father and son collaboration led to the creation of Roman's Music as a business platform for all their future music production. The team has worked on many award winning productions providing music composition and sound design services to: CHUM Television, WIFT International, Molson Canada, Maveric, Rogers, Shaw, LG Electronics, Garnier, NATO, General Motors, NFB Canada, Bravo, TLN, TFA, NHL, Sportsnet, CBC, NBC
John Ferro is a seasoned guitarist, a World Champion drummer, and a classically trained pianist. After multiple tours throughout the U.S. with the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps and the rock band The Ending, Ferro settled down in Las Vegas, NV. He is now a private guitar, percussion, and piano instructor that performs multiple times a week with the cover band All the MadMen.
In 2008, Ferro and a few colleagues founded the media scoring and sound design company Shotgun Sally. Since then, they have had an impressive track record of enhancing videos and websites for companies like Sprint, Infiniti, Slim Jim, and Gridiron Heroes. Shotgun Sally is a full-service audio production team that provides original music, custom sound design, demo production, audio mixing and mastering at affordable rates. They pride themselves on their attention to detail, creative techniques, and ease to work with.
Website : http://ShotgunSally.net
He was seduced by production sound when he joined a 168 Hour Film Festival team and their film won an award and since that time the films he has worked on for the 168 have been nominated for over 20 awards and has garnered 5 wins including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Sound Design. In 2013 one of those films was submitted to the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival and won Best Picture and $250,000. Other films that Mark has worked on that continue to inspire have won at festivals are the Litchfield Hills Film Festival and the Gulf Coast Film Festival. When not working on Indi films Mark works with teams from UCLA, USC, NYU and Chapman College.
Award winning Production Designer. Has Bachelor of Arts at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, majoring in Cinema with a minor in Chemistry,
Awards for Alt.news 26:46 - This PBS documentary series earned 7 Mid-America Emmy awards from 14 nominations in 11 categories during my time with the program.
John C. Mercer Award for Excellence in Cinema Production - Awarded for work on Cold, including WRITING, DIRECTING, and PRODUCTION DESIGN
Real Cowboy and his wife working at the Cattani ranch where we shot the film. The characters’ names and personalities are based on them.